How was your weekend? I spent mine working and playing.
Saturday morning I ran a whole 5 miles–that’s a big accomplishment for me these days. And I ran the last two miles without stopping. Go me!
After running, I got ready for work and had an English muffin and Green Balance Juice on my way.
After being on my feet for 8 hours, it was time for a break. Craig and I decided to have a date night at Rustic Goat. This is a relatively new restaurant in town, and as soon as I learned about it, I was excited to try it out. Craig had been there before, but I had not.
It was definitely a good experience. We sat in the balcony area and had a gorgeous view with all the windows. Plus, we saw a rainbow that made its appearance for a few minutes.
I started with the Blue Cheese Salad, which I would highly recommend. The romaine lettuce was grilled, which gave the salad a whole new flavor.
Craig and I shared the Fiddlehead Fern Pizza and a side of fries. Everything was really good but the pizza was a little heavy on the oil.
Sunday morning was church, followed by some work at home for me, while Craig watched football. Later that afternoon we headed to Kincaid Park for a walk/easy hike with Sadie. While we were driving there, we saw several cars pulled off to the side of the road. Usually this means a moose is in the area and people are taking its picture. We drove around the cars because frankly another moose doesn’t really excite us anymore. But with a second look, we saw this little guy hanging out playing with the reflector and an orange traffic cone. Eek!
I’ve heard of people spotting black bears on the east side of Anchorage, which is closer to the mountains, but rarely do we hear about bears on the west part of the city. This definitely was not something I particularly wanted to see as I have often run on the paved path that runs right past where this bear was. Cool but not so cool.
We walked around the trail so Kincaid Park for an hour with Sadie while she chased after birds and squirrels. She was in heaven.
Now I’m finishing up this post before going to bed. I’ve got a lengthy to-do list for tomorrow, so let’s hope I get everything accomplished!
Here’s a quick recap on my workouts this past week during my 33rd week of my pregnancy.
Pregnancy Workouts – 33 Weeks (September 1 – 7)
2 hour (flat) hike with Craig and Sadie
3 miles/26:45
Ran in the afternoon and felt okay. My hip flexors still bother me.
2 miles/20:00 + 20 minute walk with Sadie
Ran the whole way! I also had an appointment at the chiropractor for ART (Active Release Technique).
30 minute walk with Sadie + 30 minute walk to work + 25 minutes weight lifting
3 miles/27:40
Felt good at the beginning but things quickly got tougher after 1.5 miles.
5 miles/44:25
Glad to have run 5 miles!
60 minute hike/walk with Craig and Sadie
Total: 13 miles
Have you ever seen a bear?
What was the highlight of your weekend?
I have not seen a bear since I moved to Alaska, I’m ok with that. I used to see them often in Colorado. However, I was on JBER just 5 minutes ahead of the poor guy who was mauled by a bear while we were doing land navigation. I thought I heard something in the woods so I stayed in place, hiding behind some bushes and trees. I never saw the bear though. As soon as I heard it move on away from me I took off in the opposite direct which was the way I was heading to begin with. I am just thankful Alaska doesn’t have rattlesnakes and mountain lions! It’s the little things.
We tried the Rustic Goat earlier this summer. I thought it was delicious. The only issue is parking but we had ridden bikes there so it was not a problem that day. The people meeting us had to park way down the street.
Saturday was such a nice day for al fresco dinig, we had a late lunch at the Snow Goose on their deck.
my husband really wants to see a bear. we went on a vacation a few years ago to CO and he was so bummed he didn’t see one. i, on the other hand, was glad. 🙂
I bought a camera for trail running after a bear encounter on that trail that parallels the road out to Whittier. Since then I’ve photographed an alarming number of wildlife with it (nobody wants to see a lynx on a trail run, let’s just say that).
This summer has been the year for bears for me. Until my most recent trip, every long outing (backpack or trail run) has had a bear encounter. Black bears in the wild don’t scare me, but ones in the city do. They know where the food is coming from.
Wonder if that’s the same bear I’ve seen twice while running the Coastal Trail in the evening. The one hanging out there is a sow with three cubs. I’m hoping like heck she moves her family up closer towards Kincaid Park and off the main trail so that she doesn’t get in trouble with people and have to be shot. That would be a huge shame. Black bears don’t scare me as much as brown bears (though one must stop and think: Is it a black-brown bear or a brown-black bear or simply a black-black bear, lol). Cheers and take care while running.
Oh wow! I hadn’t heard of the bear on the Coastal Trail. This one was by him/herself. I agree brown bears would be even more scary, but I wouldn’t take my chances of getting out of my car like one lady did and follow the bear around with an iPhone.