I am need of some advice from those who have developed their blog a bit more. . . .
Are you self-hosted? With which company? What are the benefits?
Have you redesigned your blog? Who redesigned it for you?
With my busy schedule, I haven’t done a lot of running recently, but here’s the mileage I did accomplish this past week.
Saturday, March 22 – 5 miles + 20 minutes weight lifting
Sunday – 6 miles
Monday – 4 miles
Tuesday – 8 miles
Wednesday – 4 miles
Thursday – 8 miles
Friday – off
Total mileage: 35 miles
My coach has kindly asked me not to reveal details of my training plan, but I did want to give a run-down of my mileage each day. I usually have 2-3 hard workouts each week with 2 strength days as well.
To be honest, my motivation is waning these days. I am sick and tired of the snow, cold, and ice and am not sure when spring will actually come. While conditions have been improving, I still long for summer days of running.
To try and regain some motivation, I sought the internet for some motivational posts and quotes. I really like these slogans and often live by some of them every day.
Even 15, 20, or 30 minutes is better than nothing.
This is SO my motto—just ask my husband. Actually, I “take” the time to run. And I find it is always worth it in the end.
Yes, I am an overachiever and abide by this often. I also think this mentality has helped me reach the level of success I have been able to achieve.
This is most certainty true for those of us who have been dealing with extreme winter weather conditions this past winter. (Although the amount of snow in this picture is nothing compared to what most of us have had to deal with this winter, right?)
I often ebb and flow through periods of lacking motivation and those with a great deal of motivation. I know this will eventually pass, but when you are in the midst of it, it can feel like the end of the world sometimes.
How do you regain motivation when you find yours lacking?
Quotes 2 and 3 are my favorite, they are so me.
Most of the snow is melted from the Glenn Highway bike path out to Eagle River and beyond. I’ve been running it after work and if I blare my headphones to drown out the traffic and ignore the snow in the fields I can almost pretend it’s summer. And my feet are so happy hitting bare pavement! You should check it out this weekend. With the sun shining Friday, I wore short sleeves. OK, my arms got pretty cold (really cold) but still, short sleeves! Such exciting little milestones. Cheers and hope your running mojo/motivation returns soon.
Haha! Good to know. Yeah, I’m not a fan of the Glenn Hwy trail because of the road noise. Short sleeves–you are brave!
Ugh, I wish I had the answer to the motivation question too. My allergies have been dragging on and on right now and I’m mostly hitting my training paces, but that passion and drive is missing. If you find your motivation is hanging out with mine, send it back please.
You know I think you’re awesome, but I’m bummed you’re not allowed to talk at all about your training. You can’t even say whether you’re running on the track (or a ladder or intervals) or if it’s a pace based run? It’s possible to be a little vague (not state target paces) and still talk about the run. No disrespect to you or your coach, but I think it’s pointless to recap your training if you’re not REALLY going to recap your training, you know?
Bummer that you are having motivational issues as well.
My coach actually commented below and said I could share more about my workouts. 🙂
Last winter I had the hardest time staying motivated to work out. It showed later (yay tighter jeans… ugh) and I now try to mix the road running with soccer to help keep me from getting bored with one or the other. It’s different for everyone which makes it even harder. I cannot imagine having to run in the conditions you deal with, so the fact you even leave your house is so impressive to me!
I think I’ll try to mix running with some yoga, weight lifting, and classes at the gym.
You can absolutely recap your training, just be vague about it! You should definitely write about some of the hard workouts I’ve made you crank out these last couple months – if you’re going to put yourself through it, definitely, write about it!
As for motivation, I saw this today and thought of you: http://www.runningthroughlife.com/2012/03/10/motivation-on-days-when-you-dont-want-to-run/