So in honor of the mere 9 days until my birthday, here’s a fun little countdown of non-birthday-related things.
9 – The number of people who voted for winter jacket #2! I’m happy that was the winner because I actually already bought it when I saw it for 50% off at REI.
8 – Number of weeks until Boston—actually less than 8. This is just not enough time to get into shape, but I’m trying to make the best of it.
7 – The time Craig and I had our coffee date this morning before work. I am such a cheapskate and bring my own breakfast. Love this reusable bag from Lululemon.
6 – I can’t think of anything for #6, so you can help me out by supplying your own below in the comments.
5 – The number of miles I ran Thursday night. Sadly, my hamstring was not quite right, so I made sure to foam roll and ice afterwards. I’ve got 11 miles on the plan for tomorrow (Saturday), so I sure hope I can make it through all those miles!
4 – The number of times I spoke to a family member on the phone today. I talk to my sister at least twice a day and my parents several times a week.
3 – The number of errands I ran after work: Target, Gap, and gas. Loving that blue sky! I can’t remember that last time it was clear and sunny—seriously!
2 – the number of coffee dates I had this week. Thursday morning I met up with my friend Katie for coffee before work, and then Crag and I had our Friday morning coffee date as well.
1.5 – The number of miles I walked this morning in 30 minutes. It is my new form of cardio when I can’t run. Seriously walking through the snow in my Sorel boots are like strapping weights to your ankles.
1 – The #1, best part of my day. Dinner with the husband.
This was our second time to Yamato Ya, and I have enjoyed both experiences—great service, delicious food, and a nice atmosphere.
We shared two rolls: Jason Roll and Y-2 Roll. Both were very good.
Now it is time to get some sleep since I have been lacking that this week.
Who has a long run scheduled for the weekend? Or a race?
What should I do for my 30th birthday?
That coat was so cute! Glad you got it at a great price 🙂
30th birthday – savor it! do some things you love to do! be creative!
This weekend is my last long run before next weekend’s race ~ 10 miles.
I hope this morning’s run went well for you 🙂
I’m running in a 5k race tomorrow. I just started running at the beginning of the year so this will be my first official timed race. I’m a little nervous but I’m sure once it starts the adrenalin will kick in and I’ll be fine. When I started doing this 7 weeks ago I couldn’t run 5 minutes without stopping and walking. Now I’m able to go 3+ miles straight without stopping, Hopefully one day I’ll be able to run 10 miles like you. Baby steps right?
Awesome job! I wish more people had your drive and determination!!
Thanks! I ran it in 25.43 which beat my goal of 26.00 by 17 seconds! I also won 3rd place in my age group (50-54). All the training definitely paid of. I figure ill run a few more 5k’s and keep increasing my distance and work up to 10k then who knows? Lol….
Awesome job! Pretty soon you’ll be running marathons. 😉 Keep up the good work! The more you put into it, the more you get out.
Yay! #2 was my favorite. 🙂 Now I want to buy it!!
I just turned 33- and I have to say- the 30s are the BEST! You’ll love it.
And for your birthday- plan out your PERFECT day- even if that just means sleeping in, going for a run, taking the day off work and eating some great food with Craig. 🙂
That’s pretty much what I had planned. 😉