Distance: 6 miles
Time: 50 minutes
Average pace: 8:20 minutes/mile
This run that should have been a walk in the park, but it was actually kind of tough. I was really sore from weight lifting on Sunday and the 800s yesterday, so it wasn’t the easiest run, but all is good.
One of my many post-run eats: a Green Monster Smoothie with instant coffee.
If you don’t like the taste of the spinach smoothies or want to try something new, I highly recommend adding instant coffee granules to your Green Monster. It takes the taste up a notch and gives it a fun flavor.
Today I was busy being a homemaker and making Rhubarb Jam! (I seriously think I could be a homemaker.)
Craig loves rhubarb, so being the nice wife I am, I made him some rhubarb jam!!
I followed this recipe for Low Sugar Rhubarb Jam. . . .I would hate to see how much sugar a “regular” recipe called for! I sampled a little and it is very good and definitely sweet enough.
You know you’re a running when:
a.) you have black toe nails.
b.) you have missing toe nails.
c.) your feet are very calloused.
d.) your feet aren’t so pretty-looking.
e.) all of the above
I definitely fall in the “E” category.
I do not have pleasant-looking feet to begin with and running long distance has only made them worse. Oh well, if that’s the worst thing that happens because of running, I’m okay with it.
My poor, poor feet took quite the beating at Grandma’s Marathon though. So far I have completely lost FOUR toenails and THREE others are black.
WARNING: disgusting feet picture to follow!!
I’m sorry for those of you who are grossed out by feet, but that would be a picture of:
1 – nub of a toenail
1 – missing toe nail
2 – black toenails
and 1- okay toenail with a big, thick callous on the side.
Okay, that’s enough of that. . . .sorry! Now go find another blog with some pretty pictures to look at. 😉
I could seriously be a homemaker too. I’m pretty sure I beg my husband daily to let me be a stay-at-home-wife. 🙂 That jam reminds me of when we were on our honeymoon last year in Alaska. Ya’ll have so many fresh fruit and berry james that are delicious!
my feet are bad too. just the cost of running, i suppose!
EW. You’re so gross. 🙂 No, really- those feet do a lot of hard work! I like that you show them proudly!
Rhubarb jam sounds SO good! My husband loves it too.
And yeah- I could totally be a homemaker as well. I have gotten good practice each summer!
I’ve gotten a lot of good practice too each summer, but to think this will be my last summer bums me out.
Somehow, I’ve always had nice looking feet despite years of running on them. I think my toenails are placed just so that they don’t ever get too bashed or fall off.
I’m a homemaker (though I call it Trophy Wife–which will surely get a little creepy as I age) and it is the best gig ever! I’m pretty good at entertaining myself with projects so I don’t really feel lonely. That’s the key to being a successful homemaker, being good at hanging with yourself all day.
You are very fortunate! My toenails are very thick and grow up, which doesn’t help.
I would love to be a Trophy Wife! 😉 I am definitely good at hanging out with myself all day. I get a lot of good practice during the summer now, but I am sad this will be my last summer to do so.
YES! Sport your feet as trophies for all those miles you knock out! I got my first black toenail (that later fell off) in March after completing my first half-marathon. Currently training for a full, only 2nd week into training plan, & it’s turning black again already 🙂 At first I was embarrassed, but now it’s my badge of honor-I’m always grossing my friends & fam out with, “Wanna see my black/missing toenail??” Lol
Haha! I was showing my sister all my missing toenails, but I don’t think she was too impressed.
Oh man, my feet are SO bad right now from running trails a lot lately. I need to get a pedicure, but keep putting it off because of the cost. Time to bite the bullet.
I have a love/dislike relationship with pedicures. I love them, I absolutely do, but within a week, my feet are back to looking awful again and my $50 hardly seemed worth it.