Okay, so I’ve really only taken a (relatively) short blogging hiatus, but I just couldn’t stay away!
I feel rejuvenated and re-inspired, so hopefully it will stick with me—and I can find the time to post each day as well!
Overall, life has been busy (as usual), but I’m staying on top of things for the most part. Keys: lots of lists and no procrastination!
I have been keeping up with my running and weight lifting—running 6 days a week and lifting twice a week.
I logged 32 miles last week + a 10K race, and I’m hoping to run about 40 miles this next week.
So far this week:
Monday: 7 miles ~ 6 x 800 meters on the track + 2 mile warm-up + 2 mile cool-down
Tuesday: 6 miles
Wednesday: 7 miles (AM)
In addition to the 7 miles this morning, I did a track workout this afternoon.
After work, I ran to a nearby track. It is so nice to live this close to a track—something I wouldn’t initially consider when choosing a place to live.
I love track workouts. I may even love them more than a long run.
See? I was born to be a 10K runner!
1 mile warm-up to the track
8 x 200 meters
I broke the 200s up into 2 sets:
First set: 4 x 200 [with 1 minute rest in-between (this isn’t much and goes by quickly!)]
Time (in seconds) for each 200
4 minutes of rest
Second set: 4 x 200 meters (1 minute rest in-between)
:38 (yeah! under 40)
1 mile cool-down
Total: 4 miles
Overall, it was a really good workout. Although, my stomach was super bloated, which is why I am not an afternoon runner!
Moving on to other random things. . . . .
I think we may have a little Ben & Jerry’s problem!
Ah, yes, we currently have 7 containers of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream in our freezer right now. Eek!
And, yes, we even have a container of the infamous Schweddy Balls. [I got it for Craig.]
I couldn’t pass up the good deal at the grocery store! They were $2 off from the original price! Plus, it will last, and it honestly does not enable me to eat more, which is a good thing. 🙂
Ben & Jerry’s has definitely become my new favorite brand of ice cream. I just finished up this container of Phish Food tonight. It was super good!
Time to get my overnight oats ready for tomorrow and hit the hay! Seriously, where does my evening go?
What is your favorite brand (or flavor) of ice cream?
hands down…brownie batter by ben and jerry’s…but i let it melt a little before i eat it, the best! what’s in schweddy balls dare i ask?
Oooo. . . I have not tried brownie batter yet. I’ll have to look for it next time.
Schweddy Balls includes: “vanilla ice cream with a hint of rum and loaded with fudge-covered rum and malt balls.”
hands down…brownie batter by ben and jerry’s…but i let it melt a little before i eat it, the best! what’s in schweddy balls dare i ask?
Oooo. . . I have not tried brownie batter yet. I’ll have to look for it next time.
Schweddy Balls includes: “vanilla ice cream with a hint of rum and loaded with fudge-covered rum and malt balls.”
I’ve been using the track near my house this training cycle. I really love it for interval work. I especially love it when I pass a boy 😉
I love half baked by ben and jerry’s! Otherwise I’m a plain vanilla girl.
I have had Half Baked, and it is one of my favorites!
You have the neatest freezer I’ve ever seen.
Thanks! Although, I did organize the ice cream for the picture.
welcome back! i love chocolate covered pretzel ice cream…so yummy!
Does Ben & Jerry’s make that flavor or a different company?