Changing Up My Routine

I am a creature of habit, but since changing my long run from Saturday to Sunday, my routine has changed a little bit, and it has been a breath of fresh air. πŸ™‚

This is my picture representing β€œa breath of fresh air.” (I didn’t know how else to capture it.)

This is a picture of Craig and I hiking last summer. . . . and, yes, we have to wear winter hats and multiple layers in the summer. It is sad, I know, but one day I will live where I can wear shorts and tank tops again!

What my weekend schedule used to look like:


– A short 4 mile run in the morning to prep for my long run the next day.


– Wake up (between 6 a.m. – 7 a.m.).

– Eat breakfast (right away).

– Then wait 1.5 – 2 hours (or until the sun came up) before heading out for a run.

– Get back from my run between 11 a.m. – noon, stretch, eat, and shower. I was pretty much out of commission for doing anything the rest of the day since my long run usually wipes me out.

Sunday – Rest and recover.

Monday – The routine starts all over again.

My new schedule:


– A 5 mile recovery run in the morning since I do two runs on Thursday and lift weights.


– Get up.

– Have a small breakfast and head out the door after an hour.

– Run 6 miles before my husband gets up.

I used to only run 4 miles the day before a long run, but one time I ran 6 miles with my sister the day prior to a long run, and I felt fine, so I figured I would keep doing that.

I know some training plans (Hal Higdon’s being one of them) calls for a medium-long run the day before a long run, so I figured this would be fine to do.

– I am usually returning from my run, just as Craig is getting up, which is nice because then it feels like we still have the whole day together! πŸ™‚


– Wake up.

– Eat breakfast.

– Go to church (an early service).

– Come home and do a long run. Finish between 1 – 2 p.m. and then spend a significant amount of time stretching, eating, and recovering.

More often than not, we do not have plans for Sunday afternoon (vs. Saturday afternoon), so Sunday works out to be a better day for recovery.


– Sleep in!! With my training plan being this way, I only have to get up early 4 days out of the week instead of 5. πŸ™‚

* I like this new plan, so I think I’m going to stick with it for a while. Maybe I’ll go back to Saturday long runs eventually . . . maybe I won’t.



When my alarm went off this morning, I was much more tired than I usually am and had no desire to go for a run. I knew it was cold and dark outside and that did not help my motivation.

I really debated about not running, but once I’m up, I’m up and there is a very slim chance I could fall back to sleep, so outside I went and, as always, I’m glad I did! πŸ™‚

Distance: 7 miles + fartleks

Time: 60 minutes

Temperature: 10 degrees


Tuesdays and Thursdays are two-a-days, so after work today, I changed into my running clothes and ran outside for 4 miles (34 minutes). After Craig got home, we went to the gym where I lifted weights for 30 minutes.

Now I have to finish my laundry, pack my lunch, and then it is off to bed.


If you are a runner, what day of the week do you do your long run?

Do you like change up your routine often or stick with what you know best?

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 2.23.11
    megan @ blackberries for jam said:

    I’ve been doing my long runs on Wednesday (it was Tuesday until a few weeks ago). I definitely stick with what works best – same breakfast, same route, same gel, same recovery shake, etc. Unfortunately, for the past two weeks I’ve slept horribly the night before my long runs and I want to break that trend! I’m usually fine on my run, but then I’m completely useless for the rest of the day. Grrr.

  2. 2.23.11
    Stephanie @ The Cookie Battle said:

    My long run day has always been Sunday, I have never even contemplated going another day, but it might be worth considering, sometimes a change is good!

  3. 2.23.11

    Isn’t it funny how the switch from Saturday to Sunday (or vice versa) can make such a huge difference? I used to be a Sunday long run girl but recently I’ve switched to Saturdays (I joined a training group and they do long runs on Saturday.) For me, getting the run over with on Saturday and not having it on my mind all weekend has been a nice change. But, like you I reserve my right to switch back to the other way!

    p.s. I just recently stumbled on your blog and I love it!

  4. 2.23.11
    Claire said:

    I like to stick to a routine! If I don’t, it kinda screws up my entire week. I guess that is Type A for you…awesome blog!

  5. 2.23.11
    cbrady3 said:

    Sounds like a great plan! I wish I had more options of when to do my long run. I like to do it Saturday bc most of my friends go out Saturday night so Sunday mornign wouldn’t be fun. Plus I like giving my legs a day of rest before the work week!

  6. 2.23.11
    Liz said:

    The new schedule sounds great with that extra day of sleeping in. I switch my long run day depending on the weather and if I want to go out one night

  7. 2.23.11
    Sarah said:

    i do my long run on saturdays. i like having free time on sunday after church to do homework/grocery shop/hang out with my husband. when my saturday is busy i do switch my LR to sunday either before/after church… it just depends!

  8. 2.24.11
    Kathryn said:

    I’m training for a half-marathon and my long runs are on Saturday. I have more time on Saturday mornings.