Instead of wearing my big, thick ski mittens, I wore a pair of thin, fleece gloves, and as you can see, my hands paid the price. It was super painful!!
I managed to cover 5 miles in 42 minutes this morning without falling. Seriously! It is so slippery out there! It was a recovery run since I ran twice yesterday (7 miles in the a.m., 3 miles in the p.m.), so I took it at a nice, easy pace.
Yahoo! Today is our first half-day of the week, which means I only had to teach half of the day and then we had teacher in-service the second half of the day.
This morning I took time to make oatmeal for both Craig and myself.
I have to admit that I’m not sure how much I like oatmeal anymore. Gasp! I know, right? This must be a sin in the healthy living blogging community.
I always get really excited to make oatmeal and eat it, but then once I am eating it, I am thinking, “this is not as good as I thought it would be.”
This is the recipe I use pretty much every time, so maybe I need to change something up a bit? Any suggestions?
Michelle’s Oatmeal
1/4 cup oatmeal
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup milk
1/2 banana, sliced
1 teaspoon agave nectar
1 teaspoon chia seeds
1 teaspoon flax seed
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
pinch of salt
Today’s toppings: peanut butter + jelly
I also had a container of Chobani yogurt. I used to love this yogurt, but then grew tired of it. After a break, I had a container yesterday and today, but decided I am still tired of it.
It’s all good though because I still like taking plain yogurt and adding random toppings–plus it is way cheaper!
What is/was your workout today?
(I was going to ask what the weather is like where you live, but I think that would just depress me more?!?!?)
My weather certainly won’t depress you. It was zero when I woke up, and now it’s hovering around 20. I went for my long run earlier (12 miles) and I felt like I was dancing around icy spots the whole time! Not fun!
I’m still going strong on my oatmeal obsession, and I credit it to the raspberries and drizzle of maple syrup I add (in addition to PB and banana, of course!). The raspberries melt in the oatmeal!
Okay, that makes me feel better!
I was thinking I should try adding frozen berries–thanks for the reminder!
Yikes 4! It might depress you since in Chicago its 50 but feels like 80 since I am used to it being so cold!
My workout is going to be a tempo run outside! I have a long to-do list so I will be tackeling those miles later today!
i loved the oatmeal
Oh your poor hands!! Today’s workouts consisted off running 4 miles in the am, teaching a sculpting class and then taking a boot camp class. My legs are going to love me tomorrow! 🙂
That oatmeal looks delicious. Peanut butter in my oats are my favorite. I seriously cannot get enough.
My workout today was weightlifting (chest and tri) and bike riding with my hubby. Oh, and I danced. Like mad.
Visit Kath Eats Real Food for oatmeal inspiration. She has the motherload of awesome recipes.
I ate PBJ oatmeal hardcore for about a month, and got bored. Lately, I’ve been doing green monster smoothies for breakfast, and love it.
I got sick of Chobani too, and gave it a break. But now my love is back full force! My lucky husband got to try the strawberry banana, mango, and pineapple on business.
So jealous!
I want to try the pineapple flavor really badly!
Wow, congrats on the run! thats awesome dedication!
Today for my work-out, I took the day off. Had a long day at work starting at 6am. But I plan on hitting it hard tomorrow 🙂
For oatmeal I usually do strawberries, almonds, and milk. Yours looks really good!
oh man! your hands look so painful!
today i lifted + rode the bike, but last night i ran 10 miles. woohoo marathon training!
Michelle, your hands look like they really hurt. How are they feeling now?
They are fine now. This always happens if I don’t wear mittens that are warm enough!