My Day By the Numbers

A run-down of my day by the numbers.

Zero – Complaints I had about the deliciousness of this fruit and nut bar I enjoyed for my mid-morning snack. (Thanks, Kristy!)

One – Number of times I tripped over my own feet and fell down in front of my students while playing a tag game with them.

Two – Number of hugs I got from students. (They can be so cute sometimes!)

Three – Servings of fruit I had today: a banana, apple, and dried fruit.

Four – Number of miles I ran this morning.

Five – Number of classes I taught today.

SixDegrees Fahrenheit when I arrived at school this morning.

Seven Time at which I left for work this morning.

Eight + Cups of water I had to drink.

Nine – Time I need to go to bed tonight. (I did not sleep well last night.)

TenDegrees Fahrenheit when I left school.

TwentyDegrees Fahrenheit when I arrived home 40 minutes later.

(There can be a 10 degree difference in temperature from the west side of Anchorage to the east side. The east side is almost always colder in the winter.)

Lots – Number of doubts I had our Vegan Mac and Cheese dinner would be edible.

Number of doubts after eating it: ZERO!!

While it may not have tasted exactly like macaroni and cheese, it was absolutely delicious!! You would never guess was vegan!!

You must give it a try!! You can find the recipe here.

I also had a salad to eat.


Do you ever make vegan foods? If so, what is one of your favorite recipes?

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 1.12.11

    I haven’t ever tried to make vegan food. I love this post though with the numbers (bahaha can you tell I’m a math major?)

    It’s been a solid 15 degrees and dumping snow the last few days here. It’s awful.

  2. 1.12.11
    Kristina @ Life as Kristina said:

    Ha love the number of doubts! I make vegan food all the time-no fav recipe sticks out right now since every time I make something new I obsess over it!

  3. 1.12.11

    I was in Alaska this past summer (but I didn’t have a chance to see Anchorage), it is so beautiful. I have never made vegan food but I bought vegan butter last week and I’m happy with it.

  4. 1.12.11

    this was such a fun post!

    I rarely make vegan meals intentionally but it happens a lot. Like the bread recipe up on my blog right now – I didn’t even realize it was vegan until Mama Pea pointed it out!

  5. 1.12.11
    Craig said:

    the best mac n cheese with out cheese ever!

  6. 1.12.11

    That’s crazy that there is a ten degree difference! I commute about 45 minutes to work and for the past 3 days there is no snow at my house, but the ground is covered in the town I work in! It’s really bizarre!! 🙂

  7. 1.12.11
    Sarah said:

    haha cute post 🙂